Health product recall

Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Sets

Last updated


Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Sets
Medical devices - Performance issue
What to do

Contact the manufacturer if you require additional information.


Affected products

Affected products Lot or serial number Model or catalog number
Tracoe Experc Percut Dila Tracheo Set W/Trach/Atrau Insert Spiral Reinforce Not applicable. 420-08 450-08-P 450-09-P 420-09
Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Tracheo Set W/Trach/Atrau Inserter Extra-Long Not applicable. 451-08-P 451-09-P 421-08 421-09
Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Tracheostomy Set W/Trach/Atraumatic Inserter Not applicable. 460-09-P 461-08-P 461-09-P 424-08 424-09 423-08 423-09 460-08-P
Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Tracheo Set W/Trach/Atrau Inserter Fenestrate Not applicable. 312-08-P 331-08 312-09-P 331-09
Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Tracheo Set W/Trach/Atrau Inserter Suct Line Not applicable. 888-316-08-P 332-09 888-332-09 888-316-09-P 888-332-08 332-08 316-09-P 316-08-P
Tracoe Experc Percut Dila Tracheo Set W/Trach/Atrau Inserter Sys Suct Line Not applicable. 470-08-P 471-08-P 471-09-P 422-08 425-08 425-09 422-09 470-09-P
Tracoe Experc Percut Dilation Tracheostomy Set W/Trach/Atraumatic Inserter Not applicable. 330-08 311-08-P 330-09 311-09-P


Tracoe Medical GmbH is issuing a field safety notice for the above products as the application bears a low risk of tearing off the silicone sleeve when removing the insertion system. The incidence rate is 0.016 % and may be further minimized if the application is performed as described in the IFU.

Recall start date: October 27, 2022

Additional information

Original published date:
Alert / recall type
Health product recall
Health products - Medical devices - Anaesthesiology

Tracoe Medical GmbH

Reichelsheimer Str.1/3, Nieder-Olm, Germany, 55268

Published by
Health Canada
Recall class
Type II
Identification number

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