Foothills Creamery brand ice cream recalled due to pieces of metal
- Starting date:
- August 20, 2021
- Type of communication:
- Recall
- Alert sub-type:
- Notification
- Subcategory:
- Extraneous Material
- Hazard classification:
- Class 3
- Source of recall:
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Recalling firm:
- Foothills Creamery Ltd.
- Distribution:
- Alberta
- Extent of the product distribution:
- Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional
- CFIA reference number:
- 14544
Last updated:
Affected products
Brand name | Common name | Size | Code(s) on product | UPC |
Foothills Creamery | Turtle Mountain Ice Cream | 11.4 L | 210 227 217 | 0 67408 11093 9 |
Foothills Creamery | Rocky Road Ice Cream | 11.4 L | 210 232 218 | 0 67408 11058 8 |
Media enquiries
- Public enquiries
- Toll-free: 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and U.S.)
Telephone: 1-613-773-2342 (local or international)
Email: - Media relations
- Telephone: 613-773-6600