Certain Hualien brand Japonica Premium Short Grain Rice may contain extraneous material
- Starting date:
- May 23, 2012
- Type of communication:
- Recall
- Alert sub-type:
- Health Hazard Alert
- Subcategory:
- Extraneous Material
- Hazard classification:
- Class 3
- Source of recall:
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Recalling firm:
- Uncle T Food Ltd.
- Distribution:
- Alberta, British Columbia
- Extent of the product distribution:
- Retail
- CFIA reference number:
- 7167
Affected products
Brand name | Common name | Size | Code(s) on product | UPC |
Hualien | JAPONICA PREMIUM SHORT GRAIN RICE | 15 lb | All codes | 4 712162 000083 |