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Food recall warning

Bliss Balls brand and Everland brand chocolate products recalled due to undeclared milk

Last updated


Chocolate products
Food - Allergen - Milk
What to do

Do not consume recalled products to which you are allergic or sensitive.

Affected products

Brand Product Size UPC Codes
Bliss Balls Chocolate 50 g 0 59443 25251 4 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Bliss Balls Chocolate 150 g 0 59443 25101 2 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Bliss Balls Chocolate 285 g 0 59443 25201 9 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Bliss Balls Chocolate Brownie 285 g 0 59443 25207 1 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Bliss Balls Chocolate Cranberry 285 g 0 59443 25203 3 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Bliss Balls Chocolate Ginger 285 g 0 59443 25202 6 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Everland Chocolate Almonds 113 g 0 59443 75094 2 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Everland Chocolate Cashews 113 g 0 59443 75093 5 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Everland Chocolate Hazelnuts 113 g 0 59443 75092 8 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Everland Organic Almond Chocolate Bark 113 g 0 59443 25383 2 All codes where milk is not declared on the label
Everland Organic Hazelnut Chocolate Bark 113 g 0 59443 25381 8 All codes where milk is not declared on the label


The affected products are being recalled from the marketplace because they may contain milk which is not declared on the label.

The recalled products have been sold in British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec, and may have been distributed in other provinces and territories.

What you should do

  • Check to see if you have recalled products
  • Do not consume recalled products to which you are allergic or sensitive as they may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction
  • Do not serve, use, sell or distribute recalled products
  • Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased

Learn more:

Additional information

Previous recalls or alerts

This recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency test results.

There have been no reported reactions associated with the consumption of these products.

What is being done

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products.

The CFIA is verifying that industry is removing recalled products from the marketplace.

Original published date:
Alert / recall type
Food recall warning
Food - Candy, confectionary, snacks and sweeteners

Jiva Manufacturing & Distribution Inc.

Published by
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
General public
Recall class
Class 1
Identification number
Canadian Food Inspection Agency ID
Media and public enquiries

Public enquiries

Toll-free: 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and U.S.)

Telephone: 1-613-773-2342 (local or international)


Media relations

Telephone: 613-773-6600


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