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Food recall warning

1001 Fondues brand La Fondue au Village recalled due to Listeria monocytogenes

Last updated


La Fondue au Village
Food - Microbial contamination - Listeria
What to do

Do not consume, use, sell, serve, or distribute recalled products

Affected products

Brand Product Size UPC Codes
1001 Fondues « La Fondue au Village » 125 g 6 28110 60808 6

LOT - 04318 Meilleur avant
Best Before 14-FE-2023

LOT - 05329 Meilleur avant
Best Before 25-FE-2023

LOT - 04336 Meilleur avant
Best Before 02-MR-2023

LOT - 04343 Meilleur avant
Best Before 09-MR-2023

LOT - 04353 Meilleur avant
Best Before 19-MR-2023

LOT - 04003 Meilleur avant
Best Before 03-AL-2023

LOT - 04009 Meilleur avant
Best Before 09-AL-2023

LOT - 04012 Meilleur avant
Best Before 12-AL-2023

LOT - 04018 Meilleur avant
Best Before 18-AL-2023

LOT - 04023 Meilleur avant
Best Before 23-AL-2023

LOT - 04030 Meilleur avant
Best Before 30-AL-2023

LOT - 04037 Meilleur avant
Best Before 06-MA-2023

1001 Fondues « La Fondue au Village » 350 g 6 28110 60807 9

LOT - 04318 Meilleur avant
Best Before 14-FE-2023

LOT - 05329 Meilleur avant
Best Before 25-FE-2023

LOT - 04336 Meilleur avant
Best Before 02-MR-2023

LOT - 04341 Melleur avant
Best Before 07-MR-2023

LOT - 04343 Meilleur avant
Best Before 09-MR-2023

LOT - 04353 Meilleur avant
Best Before 19-MR-2023

LOT - 04003 Meilleur avant
Best Before 03-AL-2023

LOT - 04009 Meilleur avant
Best Before 09-AL-2023

LOT - 04012 Meilleur avant
Best Before 12-AL-2023

LOT - 04018 Meilleur avant
Best Before 18-AL-2023

LOT - 04023 Meilleur avant
Best Before 23-AL-2023

LOT - 04030 Meilleur avant
Best Before 30-AL-2023

LOT - 04037 Meilleur avant
Best Before 06-MA-2023

*LOT - 04326 Meilleur avant
Best Before 22-FE-2023


The food recall warning issued on 2023-02-18 has been updated to include additional product information. The product is marked by an asterisk (*). This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's food safety investigation.

The affected products are being recalled from the marketplace due to possible Listeria contamination.

The recalled products have been sold in Quebec and Alberta.

What you should do

  • If you think you became sick from consuming a recalled product, contact your healthcare provider
  • Check to see if you have recalled products
  • Do not consume, serve, use, sell, or distribute recalled products
  • Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased

Food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes may not look or smell spoiled but can still make you sick. Symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, persistent fever, muscle aches, severe headache and neck stiffness. Pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are particularly at risk. Although infected pregnant women may experience only mild, flu-like symptoms, the infection can lead to premature delivery, infection of the newborn or even stillbirth. In severe cases of illness, people may die.

Learn more:

Additional information

Previous recalls or alerts

This recall was triggered by the company.

There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.

What is being done

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products.

The CFIA is verifying that industry is removing recalled products from the marketplace.

Original published date:
Alert / recall type
Food recall warning
Food - Dairy

1001 Fondues

Published by
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
General public
Recall class
Class 1
Identification number
Canadian Food Inspection Agency ID
Change log
2023-02-21: Updated to include additional product information.
2023-02-18: Updated to include additional distribution information.
Media and public enquiries
Company information
1001 Fondues

Telephone: 418-929-7195

Public enquiries
Toll-free: 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and U.S.)

Telephone: 1-613-773-2342 (local or international)

Media relations
Telephone: 613-773-6600


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